The President of the North Yorkshire & South Durham Cricket League, Chris West, has taken the lead in calling for more budding Umpires to come forward, thereby assisting the recreational game.
All member clubs of the “NYSD” have been asked to share the following importantly information, so please read on……
Background :
The pandemic has had a significant effect on umpiring numbers across the whole country.
It may surprise some to know that even despite this we have 87% of all NYSD games, (league and cup), “double-manned”, a figure considerably better than the vast majority of our peer leagues.
In March, 2020 our Winter recruitment programme had generated 14 new members for our panel and we were looking forward to 100% “double-manning” – then Covid-19 struck and quite understandably a number on the Umpires’ Panel felt they could not stand because of shielding, or the risk to themselves and family members. That reticence to umpire whilst the pandemic continued ran through the 2021 season as well. Whether they will return in 2022 is open to question.
If we are unable to recruit more umpires this problem will only become worse and this is the reason why the League constantly reminds clubs of the need to assist in providing new recruits. We would dearly love to be able to appoint two umpires to every NYSD game that is played, but without significant recruitment this will not happen.
Yes, we would love to have all games fully covered, (as they would have been but for Covid). The long term answer lies firmly in the hands of our clubs, because the vast majority of our umpiring panel have come from a club background – if each member club could produce just one umpire for us then the problem would be solved.
The League have therefore been considering possible incentives to offer clubs alongside the substantial funding we have put into this over many years, and the LMC have now agreed to allocate 50% of our ECB funding in 2021, and 50% from 2022, (if we get it), for the sole purpose of increasing umpire numbers. This has resulted in a unique package for our clubs and new umpires as shown below.
Providing a club ensures a member, or members enroll(s) on Winter training, and at least one new umpire from that club is then accepted to the NYSD Panel and stands in at least 60% of Saturday league games then the club and umpire will receive the following package, :-
1. 15% of total league match umpires fees incurred by that club in the 2022 season will be refunded to the club in September, 2022. NB – for many clubs this will equate to around £500;
2. All training course fees will be paid by the League;
3. ACO membership in year 1 will be paid by the League; and
4. The new umpire will receive a grant of £100 in May, 2022 for umpires clothing purchase.
In addition, the LMC will undertake a review of the umpires expenses structure as part of their September rules review meeting, the emphasis being on making the NYSD expenses structure the best against peer leagues – whilst the view is that umpires don’t do it for the expenses, the fact is the best expenses structure may entice three, or four to join whilst also helping us keep our current and dormant Covid retired panel members.
There will be a constant League social media blitz during the close-season.
At the moment we have not yet been given the go ahead by ECB ACO to return to face to face courses which were suspended in March, 2020, although they have said face to face is the gold standard of what they want to achieve.
There are however on line alternatives and these will still be available as and when we return to face to face courses.
Stage 1 is available on line and is free to do and they can do this purely in their own time. They must complete this before they can move on to Stage 2 and for anyone coming on to a league panel they need to do both Stage 1 and 2.
Stage 2 is available on line, but they need to book on an available course on line, (dates yet to be established), as they have five tutor lead sessions, spaced with a week in between each session, and they must complete all the attendant work and test for learning quiz and can only move on to the next session when that has been completed. The cost of this is £40.
As and when we return to face to face courses Stage 1 and 2 are £30 each, but if they register for Stage 2 at the same time they have previously discounted this to £40 and that also includes first year membership of ECB ACO, (normal cost of membership £30 per year).
Umpires can choose to be accredited at Stage 2, but this is only available after they have umpired for 2 seasons - cost £40.
The League will meet any course fees.
David Oliver, NYSD Umpires Co-ordinator and Tutor, comments : “I personally much prefer the face to face method although ECB ACO did a great job getting the alternatives out there in such a short space of time. However, in terms of recruitment I am perfectly happy for them to use whichever method suits their own circumstances, although for those doing the on line Stage 2 it would be necessary to run a separate training session as these do not really get them ready to step on to the field - that is something I can arrange locally”.
Please contact David Oliver for additional details and enrolment assistance, :
Mobile : 07503115829
E-mail :
You never know, our very own Michael Gough Junior may be willing to have a chat with any of our members of Hartlepool Cricket Club who are interested in becoming a recreational umpire!