Originally a “social team” within Hartlepool Cricket Club comprising ageing individuals who once graced the cricket field with enthusiasm, (now replaced by extreme caution, various ailments and tales of past heroic performances...
Originally a “social team” within Hartlepool Cricket Club comprising ageing individuals who once graced the cricket field with enthusiasm, (now replaced by extreme caution, various ailments and tales of past heroic performances, some accurate, some maybe not), the Hartlepool Silverbacks were hoping to field a side in the North Yorkshire and South Durham Cricket League’s Masters League for the first time in 2020. However, this was thwarted by the Covid-19 Pandemic. However, in 2020 the side did manage to play several friendly matches. There were glimpses in the matches against Hartlepool Power Station, Hartlepool Juniors and Seaham Harbour that the Silverbacks might be able to hold their own against comparable-age cricketers.
Anyone interested in playing for the Silverbacks, or wanting further information, then please contact David Thompson on 07931147637, or email djbt74hpcc@gmail.com
Ally Rae has kindly agreed to write match reports on the games played by the Silverbacks. Hopefully, he’ll be able to write about some good performances across the 2022 season!